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Fabric Wristbands
fabric wristbands Premium Polyester Fabric Wristbands Soft Polyester Full Color Printed

As low as £0.340

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Custom Full color Printed Tag Wristbands Tag Fabric Wristbands Fabric Wristbands with Tag

As low as £0.500

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Woven Fabric Wristbands Woven Fabric Wristbands Woven

As low as £0.500

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Blank Fabric Wristbands Blank Fabric Wristbands

As low as £0.250

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20mm Wide Premium Polyester Fabric Wristbands Wide Premium Polyester Fabric Wristbands 20mm Wide Premium Polyester Fabric Wristbands

As low as £0.220

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Size - 15mmX350mm

For long-term submission solution for festivals, conferences, or other multi-day events, cloth wristbands are the perfect option!

Fabric wristbands or festival wristbands, these cloth wristbands are comfortable, water-resistant, stretch resistant, and come equipped with a tamper-proof locking tooth to keep admissions secure! 
Cloth wristbands are fully customizable with your own logos, designs, or slogans – giving you the freedom to market your brand or event exactly like you imagined. Cloth event wristbands also come with extra marketing power. Due to their durability and unique designs, your guests are encouraged to hold on to them long after the event has passed.